Wells College Students

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Why Should I Choose Mathematics?

数学家创造、发现、教授并扩展我们对世界的理解. 我们的小型互动课程为您提供个性化的关注. 我们的实验室会议和顶点研讨会发展你的合作, communication, and technological skills. EC的数学专业形成了一个紧密结合的社区,准备在广泛的职业生涯中取得成功.

What Will I Learn Through Mathematics?

Through the Mathematics degree program, you'll take core courses in calculus, statistics, discrete math, and linear and modern algebra, as well as a capstone seminar. 专门的课程为你进入研究生院或在教育或工业领域的职业生涯做准备. 我们的大多数课程都包括一个实验室,在那里学生合作进行旨在提高他们的概念理解和突出应用的活动. 通过我们的课程和研究机会, you will hone your communication, writing, and presentation skills.

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What Can I Do With A Mathematics Degree?

数学学位课程提供两个与职业相关的专业. 我们的教育选项是为寻求未来教学职业的学生设计的,我们的数学科学选项是为寻求商业职业的学生设计的, industry, and government. 数学学位也有助于学生为研究生院、法学院或医学院做准备. 数学专业的学生往往在研究生入学考试中得分更高, such as the GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT.

More About Careers

你是否对数学感兴趣,但主修的是其他领域的研究? Try a minor in Mathematics. It pairs well with many other majors.

Minor Courses

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我们的招生办公室可以帮助你采取下一步行动. Are you ready to apply?

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